How to Be a

Productivity Ninja

Productivity Keynote Team Away Day Speaker

“Ditch the stress and get more done.”

How to Be a Productivtity Ninja Keynote Session:

Focusing on characteristics such as Agility, Zen-like calm, and Preparedness, Graham's practices will help equip the team with the tools they need to confront periods of pace and change. At the end of the session, delegates will walk away with inspiration and individual action plans to develop long-lasting Productivity Ninja skills, all based on Graham’s international best-seller, How to Be a Productivity Ninja.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn the 9 Characteristics of the Productivity Ninja® to improve focus and combat overwhelm

  • Productivity boosting ideas from the simplest techniques to the fanciest new apps

  • Identify specific changes and tactics to improve personal productivity and wellbeing

  • Reflection, inspiration and motivation for your team

“We couldn’t recommend the Productivity Ninja enough – Graham is superb!”

– Wendy Middleton, Chief Superintendent

Productivity Away Day Speaker Feedback
9 Characteristics of a Productivity Ninja

The 9 Characteristics of a Productivity Ninja:

  1. Zen-like Calm

  2. Ruthlessness

  3. Weapon-Savvy

  4. Stealth & Camouflage

  5. Unorthodoxy

  6. Agility

  7. Mindfulness

  8. Preparedness

  9. Human, not Superhero

“The Productivity Ninja keynote was fantastic!

Graham gave us all great insight into how our brains work, how to manage our attention and create the space to focus on delivering impact in our work rather than getting absorbed in being busy.

Graham is a brilliant speaker and I’ve had fantastic feedback from across the department about how colleagues have been putting it all into practice.

The investment in this session is already paying dividends.”

– Sally Crocombe, Associate Director Student Recruitment, Marketing and Events

Productivity Ninja feedback

Productivity Ninja: Talks at Google.

In Productivity: Psychology before Technology